Channel: Active questions tagged mathematical-writing - MathOverflow
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Shapes for category theory

Most texts on category theory define a (small) diagram in a category $\mathcal{A}$ as a functor $D : \mathcal{I} \to \mathcal{A}$ on a (small) category $\mathcal{I}$, called the shape of the diagram. A...

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How to cite an article with an article number (instead of page range)

I am curious to know what is the standard way (in AMS style) to cite a journal article that has an article number and/or a page range.For instance, here is a BibTeX entry from MathSciNet of an article...

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Most intriguing mathematical epigraphs

Good epigraphs may attract more readers. Sometimes it is necessary. Usually epigraphs are interesting but not intriguing.To pick up an epigraph is some kind of nearly mathematical problem: it should be...

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Examples of (Git) open math (texts) projects

I am an active part of a research project on the positive effects of open math projects on the community. With open math projects I have in mind a particular thing, namely a GIT project on mathematics...

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Examples of great mathematical writing

This question is basically from Ravi Vakil's web page, but modified for Math Overflow.How do I write mathematics well? Learning by example is more helpful than being told what to do, so let's try to...

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How to write mathematics without typing?

What solutions exist for mathematicians who need to write papers, but can't type? (I'm an early-career research mathematician and I can't type for the next few months.)

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Social media for a mathematics related idea buckets

Are there any good social media platforms that can recommended for communicating ideas related to mathematics?The reason for asking is that I am in the situation that, albeit having studied math, I am...

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Where can I publish a paper about how to write mathematical papers?

I am thinking about writing a paper: "How (not) to write a mathematical paper." I want to share my thoughts and experience about good and bad habits, and common mistakes. While it will be a subjective...

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How would you cite a result that it is not quite correct, but whose proof...

There is a paper that was published 15 years ago; one of the theorems in it is wrong in general. A few years ago some people told the author that this theorem is wrong as stated, but yet a partial case...

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Use of singular pronoun "I" in the acknowledgements

I understand that in mathematical writing, it is standard to use "we" regardless of how many authors there are because it includes the reader(s). In the acknowledgements, however, it seems to me that...

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What are journal rankings that employers look at? [closed]

What are journal rankings that employers look at?There are fewquestions on this topic already, but I don't think they fully address my question. Please close this one if it is not appropriate for...

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Publication Of 50 pages [closed]

Does anyone know of a research journal in mathematics that is willing to publish 50 pages of peer-review research? I would like to submit research that explores how to develop predicate models for...

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What would you do if you improve your own result that is submitted but not...

Here is a hypothetical situation:You have proven a result and written up a paper about it. You have submitted your article to some journal and it is being reviewed.While you are waiting, you have...

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Use of an appendix in a long paper

I am writing a long paper (around 100 pages). I would consider 50 pages of it interesting in that it solves a problem of some significance in my field and contains an number of difficult ideas in the...

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Is it appropriate to add a dedication to a paper?

A paper of mine (relatively junior mathematician) was just accepted in a good journal, and I was considering adding a dedication to the memory of a mathematician in my area that passed away, and whose...

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Mathematical etiquette: Rephrasing / restructuring a work, limited release...

I am reading a mathematics textbook (which one is irrelevant, and I do not wish to insult the author if (s)he happens to be reading this). One section relies quite a bit on an appendix and results from...

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Including alternative proofs

Suppose I have found two or even more proofs of a theorem and I prepare a paper on it. Is it considered to be a good practice to write down all of the proofs? Or is it considered to be my job as an...

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Referring to computer software in a paper

I'm performing a calculation of the Smith normal form of an integral matrix based on the SageMath worksheet. Is it sufficient in the paper to say something like "Using a software package like SageMath...

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How does one build and refine strong technical skills relevant to research?

I am an early career researcher working in an area of "hard" analysis, but this is a fairly broad question. My technical skills are likely below par and my greatest hindrance to my research output. I...

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How bad is it to publish a paper with an overcomplicated proof?

I don't want to go into details for anonymity purposes, but I have co-authored and submitted a paper with a long proof (dozens of pages), and I think that with some moderate effort, we could find a...

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