Are there any good social media platforms that can recommended for communicating ideas related to mathematics?
The reason for asking is that I am in the situation that, albeit having studied math, I am not a professional mathematician and enjoy ruminating about mathematical problems from which I get the one or other insight I would like to share with others.As I see it that neither fits the policy of MO or stackexchange that are dedicated to asking and answering questions that meet certain criteria.
ArXiv is too restrictive and vixRa too permissive and potentially harmful to reputation.
Setting up an own website or blog is too much overhead for my taste.
So I would like hear of recommendations for social media sites that could be suitable for what I envisage and
- support mathematical type setting
- allow for tagging
- allow for embedding downloadable documents
- be frequented by "educated" people
- have some permanence
- have no negative (impact on) reputation